This is something I've been thinking about doing for quite some time now. I originally going to release an album in 2007 but realized I just wasn't ready in terms of skill or frame of mind.
It wasn't until I released Winter of the Heart some weeks back that I even thought of the idea of releasing an album again. The feedback I got was well above my expectations. When you work on something so much it's hard to know how people are going to react in the end. It was definitely an eye opener for me. It made me really look back on how far I've come...4 years ago I would have never thought I'd be able to produce work like this, it's pretty crazy.
So with that being said. Winter of the Heart is officially the first recorded song on my debut album coming in 2010! The album will most likely be a free drop, so spread that sh*t like wild fire!
Thanks to everyone that has supported Dex & myself through the years and to those that continue to support the efforts. We both have busy lives, without your support we would have stopped a long time ago.
Good shit, don't do what everyone always does and postpone this indefinitely. PLEASE let this actually come out :)
Well there's no promises, a lot can happen in that time. Obviously if I lose my job or something to that effect it will be postponed for a little bit. But let's just hope that doesn't happen lol.